Garden Rules & Responsibilities
(Revised February 2025)
Rules and regulations serve a purpose—to maintain a safe, clean, beautiful and friendly environment for community gardeners and the community at large. Therefore, each gardener must understand and agree to the following rules and responsibilities before starting a garden.
Violation of any rules or responsibilites may result in forfeiture of the rented bed and access to the garden without a refund.
1. Chemical weed killers, fertilizers and pesticides are not allowed. Check with the Garden Manager.
2. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices must be followed in all gardens.
3. An annual non-refundable garden fee of $25 per bed is payable when a gardener applies for a bed. Volunteer work for the garden may not be accepted in leu of cash for rental of a bed.
4. Beds are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Gardeners are limited to two 4’ x 16’ garden beds. Gardeners may have more beds and may be put on a waiting list for extra bed. Those working for the City of Apopka but residing out of the area or those living in the unincorporated areas of Apopka may rent a bed.
5. Disrespectful or abusive language or destructive behavior can result in the immediate loss of all gardening privileges, and forfeiture of any crops remaining.
6. New gardeners must attend a garden orientation after registering. Returning gardeners are strongly encouraged to attend orientations as well.
7. Gardeners are responsible for weeding their beds and adjoining areas, keeping them weed-free, and clearing their beds at the end of each growing season. Dead material should be placed in compost piles.
8. Gardeners are responsible for planting, cultivating and maintaining their garden beds. A gardener must start a garden within 45 days. The bed cannot be unmaintained for more than 45 days. If the deadline is not met the gardener forfeits the bed without a refund.
9. Gardeners are responsible for assisting with maintenance of common areas at each garden.
10. Gardeners MUST contribute 4 hours EACH QUARTER OF THE YEAR in the maintenance of common garden space. Independent volunteer hours each quarter may be substituted for the mandatory garden work days atthe discretion of the garden manager or garden coordinator.
11. No pets are allowed anywhere in the garden (except dogs trained to assist the physically challenged).